Ultimate Checklist To Keep Restaurants In Tip-Top Clean Condition

As the owner of a restaurant, cleanliness is one vital aspect that you should never put on the backburner. If you do ignore the timely and efficient restaurant cleaning service in Buffalo, you could hit a major health violation. And possibly end yourself and your restaurant in legal troubles too!

This is why you must pay utmost attention to an optimal restaurant cleaning procedure. Train every one of your staff on the basics of the restaurant cleaning schedule. Ensure that they complete it before they end their shift. Or hire top-rated cleaning services in Buffalo like All Pro Shinning to take care of your restaurant cleaning procedure. Either way, this is the ultimate guide on how to keep your food business neat and clean.

4 Easy Ways To Keep Restaurants Clean

1. Clean During And After Each Shift

Don’t pile up all the cleaning work right till the closing time. This will make up the restaurant cleaning task easy for yourself and your staff. Set aside a few cleaning chores for employees/professionals to do before and after each of their shifts.

2. End Of Day Cleaning

Some tasks can’t be done until after your restaurant closes for the day. This would be a fruitless attempt and they would also disturb your customers. These end of the day cleaning chores that you must be doing are –

  • Sweeping and vacuuming floors

  • Cleaning washing stations

  • Wiping down floor mats

  • Getting splatters and spills on walls

  • Cleaning beverage dispensers

3. Weekly Restaurant Cleaning Procedure

Not all restaurant cleaning procedures have to be done each day. Some tasks in your kitchen only need a scrub down once a week. 

For monthly cleaning, ask the cleaning professionals to pour cleaners down the kitchen sink drains. And refill them with a new, fresh cleaner. 

After that, boil the deep fryers and check metal faucets, sinks, and coffeemakers for built-up limescale. Deep clean the refrigeration units and give the interiors and exteriors of steamers and ovens a good scrubbing.

4. Monthly Cleaning

Every month or so, you must hire a restaurant cleaning service in Buffalo for a thorough deep cleaning. One important task for the monthly cleaning is the condenser coils in the refrigerator. If there is too much grease buildup on these, it will hamper its normal working.

The monthly restaurant cleaning procedure also includes cleaning air filters, tubes, and drain pans. Also, pay attention to the interiors of the refrigerator. Empty all the grease tarps and wipe out any pest traps that may be laying around. Last but not the least, balance the thermostats on kitchen ovens if they need it.

Winding Words

Follow the above tips and procedures to keep your food business from going under. By turning a blind eye to the cleanliness factor, restaurants can end up paying a hefty cost. Stay wise, stay clean and hire cleaning services to upkeep the cleanliness standards of your restaurant!


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