
Showing posts from February, 2022

5 Tips to Deep Clean your Carpet

Even though there are a variety of residential flooring products such as bamboo, tile, vinyl, stone, wood, cork and laminate available in the market. Carpet remains the most popular choice to cover the floor in homes all over the US. While these beautiful carpets give a better texture to the room and add a lovely cosiness. They take a lot of abuse from shoes, spills, and pets and hence require extra care. Many people invest in high-performance vacuum cleaners to take off the dust and dirt. But carpet cleaning is somewhat tricky and harder. To combat stains, spills and embedded dirt, a deep clean is required. Even though, one of the best ways to increase the life of your beautiful carpets is to get them cleaned by a professional carpet cleaning company once in a while. Here are some tips from the experts that can help people who want to clean their carpet at home. 1. Don’t rub on Stains, Bloat them: Whenever a spill first occurs, resist the urge of scrubbing the stain right away. Scru

CDC Updated Guidelines: Know How To Keep Your Restaurants Clean During Covid

  To run restaurants during Covid-19 times, you must abide by the guidelines issued by CDC “Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”  And as new scientific findings emerge with the mutations in the virus, you need to keep up with its constant changes. However, keeping track of these changes while running a restaurant can be tedious.  Therefore hiring professional restaurant cleaning services is one of the smartest decisions you can make to maintain your restaurant’s cleanliness while following the CDC updated guidelines.  UPDATED CDC GUIDELINES FOR ESTABLISHMENTS The CDC has issued new guidelines for restaurants and establishments. It includes: The transmission of the virus through a surface is pretty low. Use soap and detergent-containing products to clean surfaces. They are effective against germs and can damage the virus to some extent. If the restaurant did not host any Covid patients, then simple cleaning once a day is enough. The EPA-approved List N disinfectants can be use

Green Cleaning: Your One Decision Can Help Save The Environment

  As the condition of our planet slowly deteriorates, it is our responsibility to adopt sustainable living. Bearing that in mind, if you're searching for an ecological bank cleaning service or commercial cleaning service , green cleaning is the way to go. Green cleaning methods help create a healthy and safe commercial space for your customers, employees, and members.  What Does Green Cleaning Services Include?  The proprietary, eco-friendly, and environmentally sustainable methods of bank cleaning service includes: State-of-the-art techniques will help banish all infectious viruses.  High-end equipment to achieve a clean working or home environment that does not contribute to atmospheric damage. HEPA vacuum cleaners that will deep clean every part of your bank and minute particles - eradicating over 99.9% of germs. How Can Green Cleaning Services Benefit Me? Besides ensuring that your house or commercial space remains a haven for your family or employees, several other benefits

Restroom Cleaning: How Important Is It?

  Cleanliness is subjective: some folks prefer to clean their garments after a single use, while others will wear them as many times as possible before exposing them to any soap.   But when it comes to cleaning your home, and especially bathrooms, there are some standards to consider, at least for your health's sake.  In case you are not aware: a clean restroom affects the health and safety of your family, essentially aging adults.  Whether you're up for hiring professional restroom cleaning services or prefer cleaning your restroom yourself, either option is acceptable.  WHY IS BATHROOM CLEANING IMPORTANT? A nasty bathroom is a breeding spot of molds, bacteria, and other harmful organisms, which are quick to spread illness and infections. An unclean bathroom can affect: Breathing :  inhaling mold and dust can cause major breathing problems and health concerns among house members. And if you have a house member who is already suffering from breathing problems like asthma, COP